Welcome to Mental Health Awareness Month! We want to share some Play Therapy techniques you can try at home with your little one. Research has shown that 75% of children and young people who experience mental health issues just aren’t getting the help they need. A child's emotional well-being is just as important as their physical health. When a child is mentally strong, it helps them develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them. They then grow into well-rounded, emotionally regulated healthy adults.
At Play Therapy Sg we are advocates for Play! Play therapy works well for children ages 3 to 12 years old because it meets children at a level where they can best communicate.
Try these activities with your child, they give you some insight into your child's mental health or work on regulating their emotions.
Ball Play – Toss a ball around with your child, and when someone catches it, they have to tell each other something that makes them happy. In the next round, repeat with another emotion, like sadness or anger.
Doll Play – Let a child play with a doll to see what their instincts are. It’s helpful to see how a child may be being treated by others by how they treat the doll.
Magic Wand Play – Give your child a "pretend wand" and tell them they can make three wishes. Listen to what their wishes are for a better understanding of issues they may be facing.
Self-Control Games – Games like “Simon Says” help a child learn self-control, as well as listening and attention skills.
[Source: Joaquín Selva, Bc.S., Psychologist]
The idea that play therapy isn't a wholly serious or legitimate approach to therapy is a common misconception play therapists often have to contend with. Perhaps naturally, those who aren't familiar with the theory might be skeptical of the effectiveness of allowing a child to freely explore a room full of toys for the entire length of the therapy session. However, under the trained eyes of a play therapist, the toys are a medium through which the child communicates, learns, self-discovers, and shares experiences, thereby forming a trusting therapeutic relationship.
Play therapy fills a wide gap in therapy services for young children. It is effective with tangible results that have allowed children to make massive strides in their emotional and behavioural development.
If you would like to speak to a qualified Play therapist to learn how your child could benefit from play therapy, click here to schedule a complimentary consultation today or take our quiz!